Associates at the end of the year receive compensation for the quality of their coffee cup, a quality that has been awarded in contests such as the LAND OF DIVERSITY contest organized by the NATIONAL FEDERATION OF COFFEE GROWERS OF COLOMBIA, and by the CUP EXCELLENCE contest organized by ASECC ( ASOCIACIÓN DE CAFES ESPECIALES DE COLOMBIA), in which in 2022 coffee growers from our organization obtained prizes for being among the top three positions nationwide.
At the end of the year, associates receive repayments for the quality of their coffee cup, a quality that has been awarded in contests such as the LAND OF DIVERSITY contest organized by the NATIONAL FEDERATION OF COFFEE GROWERS OF COLOMBIA, y by the CUP OF EXCELLENCE contest organized by ASECC (ASOCIACIOÓN DE CAFES ESPECIALES DE COLOMBIA), in which in the year 2022 coffee growers from our organization obtained prizes for being among the top three nationally.
Finalists of the PLANADAS AROUND THE WORLD virtual coffee auction, in 2020, where ASOPEP sold coffee at USD 14.5/lb.